LIBRO Titanic in Photographs (Titanic Collection) de Daniel Klistorner,Steve Hall,Scott Andrews PDF ePub

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Críticas 'The ultimate 'Titanic' reference book . . . the extraordinary collection of visual documentation . . . constitutes the most exhaustive guided tour of the ill-fated vessel ever published.' --'Library Journal' on 'Titanic: The Ship Magnificent' 'The ultimate 'Titanic' reference book. . . the extraordinary collection of visual documentation . . . constitutes the most exhaustive guided tour of the ill-fated vessel ever published.' 'Library Journal' on 'Titanic: The Ship Magnificent'' 'The ultimate Titanic reference book . . . the extraordinary collection of visual documentation . . . constitutes the most exhaustive guided tour of the ill-fated vessel ever published.' --Library Journal on Titanic: The Ship Magnificent Reseña del editor The name Titanic has become synonymous with catastrophe, the story of this luxurious liner legendary. Wrecked after colliding with an iceberg on her maiden voyage, the loss of around 1,500 lives among her passengers and crew has gone down in history as one of the most emotive and tragic disasters in history. In this evocative collection of photographs the authors of Titanic The Ship Magnificent tell her full story, from the shipyards of Harland & Wolff and its early vessels, with the backdrop of the great race to build the biggest and best passenger liner, to the frenzy of excitement surrounding her launch. Looking at her officers and crew, as well as her stops at Cherbourg and Queenstown - including some special, rare photographs - the book follows the story to its inevitable conclusion, considering the lifeboats, the presence of the Carpathia and the aftermath of the disaster. STEVE HALL and BRUCE BEVERIDGE set up the Titanic Research & Modeling Association (TRMA). Steve has built an extensive Olympic-class library and photographic portfolio, one of the finest collections privately held. All of the authors are often contacted by the media to comment the wreck, theories and research surrounding the ship, have published articles, and conduct Titanic talks. Biografía del autor Daniel Klistorner is the world's foremost expert on Titanic's passenger accommodations and has consulted to the media, auction houses and museums around the world. Steve Hall, a renowned Titanic visual historian, has collected, studied and researched the ships photographic record for over three decades. Bruce Beveridge is one of the foremost authorities on Titanic's exterior and general working arrangements, and, with Scott Andrews, is a recognised authority on the technical aspects of her layout and construction. All four, along with Titanic modeller and researcher Art Braunschweiger, previously wrote TITANIC: The Ship Magnificent, the most comprehensive book published on Titanic to date.

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